Why Wait For Tax Reform When You Can Have Tax Savings Right Now?

Hello Everyone,

As the debate on proposed tax reform continues to stir, most business owners are hoping many of the proposed ideas “stick” and become actual law.  That could take a while, given the track record of our Congress.  And I’m sure you’ve heard the adage before that “hope is not a strategy!”.  While any eventual tax law changes are sure to have some goodies in them for business owners, at best we’d have to wait for 2018 to reap any actual savings.  So for now, we wait.

But why wait?!?!

At Concierge Tax Services, we’ve been performing proactive tax planning for years, locking in millions of dollars in tax savings, for our clients who have taken the proactive approach, rather than the reactive approach.  In fact, with yesterday’s passing of the October 16 extended tax return filing deadline:

October 17 is the First Day of Tax Planning Season!

I am sure if we spent the time to analyze your business inside and out, right now, we can find tax savings for you, right now.  No need to wait for Trump to lower your taxes later, when Concierge Tax Services can do it right now!  Any tax reform would just be “icing on the cake” and would only add to the Tax Year 2017 tax savings that we can deliver for you right now.

With 75 days left in 2017, there is still time to change your 2017 tax bill, by implementing strategies and making the necessary changes to your business to take advantage of the tax laws as they currently stand.  We’d just have to work on writing your Proactive Tax Plan now, as the best tax-saving opportunities will expire on December 31.

Given some of the uncertainty that looming tax reform brings, the Proactive Tax Plans that we prepare for our clients for the rest of this year will include recommendations and strategies under the following 3 scenarios:

  1. Tax-saving strategies and recommendations available to you under the current tax law
  2. A 2018 game plan for you if the current tax reform proposals (or some amended version of those proposals) take effect
  3. 2017 year-end moves you can make in anticipation of 2018 tax law reform

Give us a call to see if you can benefit from our Proactive Tax Planning services, and we can lock in some real tax savings for you, while the rest of your competition sits and waits for tax reform to happen.

Be well,

Robert Gambardella, CPA

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