Welcome to the Blog: Check out our new blog format!

Welcome to Our Blog: You’ll Want to Read It!

We are all busy people. We have businesses that require our daily attention and dedication. Lives filled with work, charity, and social commitments. Not to mention families that we love who require our care and nurturing. Finding the time to stay current on tax and financial planning news often falls to the bottom of the list.

We get it. Our inboxes fill up just as quickly as yours do. The last thing we want to do is add to the piles of clutter or become the messages that make you automatically reach for the “Delete” key. But as Bob Dylan sang, “The times they are a-changing.” Tax reform is being debated in Congress. 2017 is rapidly coming to a close. And tax season will be here before the smoke clears after the New Year’s fireworks.

Now is the time to start paying attention and planning.

One way our team at Concierge Tax Services plans to help our clients do exactly that is through this blog. Our goal is create a tool that will be a value-added benefit to working with us. The articles we write and share will:

  • Have practical, useful, and timely information. Stuff you need to know, before it is too late.
  • Be engaging and easy to read. These will not be long financial dissertations. We’ll get to the point, clearly and succinctly. With a touch of humor added in for good measure.
  • Include action items. Something happened. Now what do I do? We’ll explain the process and point you in the right direction for what you need to do next.

After spending a few minutes reading our articles, we want our clients clicking off the screen with new knowledge, an idea of how it impacts you, what you need to do next, and how we can help make that happen.

Look for new articles to appear a couple of times a month, or whenever big news happens. The Concierge Tax Services team is committed to a successful partnership with our clients, and this is one more way we are striving to add value to our working relationship.

So let’s start the conversation!

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